Sunday, May 10, 2015


 I so love that word "Specialist".  It is so broad and covers so much...Bullshit...The meaning of Specialist is simply "One who is devoted to a particular occupation or branch of study or research."   Now, part of me certainly understands that, but part has trouble dealing with it.
Ron Jeremy for example is a specialist.  He has fucked more females then you can imagine. He clearly fits the meaning of the word Specialist, there anywhere in his work, ads, bio's, etc that once mentions the word Specialist ?????  Nope.
Sex shops were originally call "Specialist Shops".  I so get that. It so makes sense, especially if you have been in a good one lately.They know what they are doing, what they are selling, and have well trained people taking care of you....Finally, something that makes sense...Oh wait....they changed names from Specialist Shop to Sex Shop.

What about a Urologist or certain fields of medicine...Yes...they are definitely specialists and not only are qualified to do what they do, but certainly qualify to use the word Specialist.
What about oral sex ? How many females do you know that give the best head possible, do it perfectly, and never deviate from that great ability ?  These are truly Specialist in their field, but NO....Do they get the treatment or notoriety they deserve ? No...Nowhere are they awarded the title of Blow Job Specialist.
There are great tits, and there are average tits, and of course there are no tits. Each has a time and a place. Each is recognized by different standards in different situations.  But we all know that every now and they, a pair of extraordinary tits come to the scene.  They are perfect in each and every way..  The problem is quite simple. Are these Specialist Tits ?  No, they are just tits... This is unfair to the word and to the person that has spent a lifetime perfecting them....Perfection does exist.

We have all been to parades ?  What about those nice people that have to clean up the shit from horses or animals at the end of the parade ?  These are hard working, conscientious individuals who get no respect. Yet, they are specialists in their field. Shouldn't there be equal justice here ?  After all, they are just as important as your local dentist, or airline pilot....A Specialist is a specialist and let us not forget it.


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