Ahhhh. You gotta love Banksky. He has really torn up NY this past month and has driven the authorities crazy. It has made for some of the best reading and some of the coolest art being painted on some of the strangest places.
CRaP |
Gotta love engineer's and designers when they really get something going good. It's proof that with a dream, a little money, and a little ingenuity, that many great things can be accomplished. It also proves the reality that countries can get along with each other.
Oh, did I neglect to mention this tunnel went from San Diego to Tijuana, Mexico ? Really. It was also pretty hi tech with a great ventilation system, and electronic rail system, had electricity throughout. It was about 4 foot high and 3 feet wide. Oh the tune of over 8 tons of marijuana, and hundreds of pounds of cocaine. How can this country ever improve it's economy when all these great start up companies get busted. I wonder if it was because of "Obama care" ?
And of course not us let forget all our wonderful Hollywood stars that keep us all amused. They pose nude, or half dressed, they do sex scenes, they are sometimes one inch away from doing porn (and in some cases do)..........But the second the paparazzi comes close to them.........&)(*%^%__&^%$$#$*"?_( The world comes to an end...Gotta Love It.
This is my official Bullshit Detector
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