Thursday, January 3, 2013

Commericals ? Really ?

I am so tired of seeing some of the stupidest commercials ever on TV.  Not only are they stupid and an insult to what is left of my brain, but they are simply totally ridiculous.  The ads are stupid, the products insane, and for the most part............they simply do not work.  A simple example is the Olde Brooklyn Lantern as pictured above.  I want to scream every time I see this dumb ass commercial on television.  .  Really. There is no power, but they are able to cook, drink a hot beverage and all other stupid things.
     I decided to google it and was amazed at all the comments. Mainly that it only lights up an area so close to where you are, and you can barely see it.  There is more, but it is too irritating to talk about.
Then of course is the Hurry Cane.   Give me a fucking break. Talk about a play on words ?  What does a ship and a pirate (without his eye patch) have to do with this ?
And this poor lady. Obviously she doesn't need her cane except to do a commercial. Why wouldn't she use a shopping cart ?  Is it me, or do these sellers think everyone is as stupid as they are ?
Of course there is always the Lint Lizard. It just goes on and on.  I am convinced that most of these products are invented in prison or mental hospitals.  It has reached a point of getting close to throwing something at the TV every time I see one of them.

     There happen to be some commercials that are believable and possibly offer a product worth buying.   Check out the link to the following.
Sexy Banned Commercial - Video Dailymotion

Or. Some of these videos below.  Somehow I would rather watch these and guaranteed would be more apt to buy the product as opposed to some of the crap up above.

I guess that if we are forced to watch commercials, we should at least enjoy them.

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