Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Make Believe

Lets talk about make believe shit.  The phony laughter, the phony smile, the phony handshake, the phony glance, the phony everything that goes along with each and every award show these days.
Why can't people be honest ?  What is so difficult about telling the truth and displaying your emotions ?
    I will be the first person to be honest and say that I just have not felt like writing these past few weeks.  I just haven't given a shit about anything and didn't want to share negative stuff with anyone. Whew.....so now that is out of the way and my honesty is restored to 100%. Just like Lance Armstrong.......
WTF is the deal on all these award shows where everyone is always smiling and pretending to have a great time ? We all know that is complete bullshit.  If you were up for an award of any kind and didn't win, how would you feel ??????  Fucking A....You would be pissed, upset, crazed, angry, rattled, and would want to kill the fucker that took the award that should have been in your hands.
And the Winner ??????  What is with that totally surprised look ?  It's like going to your surprise birthday party and walking in and looking so surprised.  Bull....You have known about it for weeks, so who are you kidding ?
      I think it is just the way of the world. Is everyone just full of shit and willing to smile,
laugh, and live with it ?  Obviously the answer to that is YES.
Maybe these award shows are really one big circus.  Actually , it does appear to be a three ring circus so it must be true.
Maybe the AVN awards have the best idea.  Nothing phony there . (well maybe that is not true). But they are all happy and no one seems to be jealous at all. Probably due to the fact that everyone seems to win something or other.
    Like they say, "It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. "  I guess that is nothing like "Fuck....I didn't win".

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