Friday, May 14, 2010

Let the Rants Begin

I have not been very pissed off lately, but today I am ready to explode.  Starting the day off, I checked my pay stub from my very high profile job with the census department. ( typical government ). Well, if you read my 3 or 4 blogs lately about the idiots running the 2010 census and all the unnecessary paper work, you will get a laugh at this.  My first weeks pay check was short one full day.  The funny part of this is due to the fact that we have to meet a supervisor on a daily basis to get our hours worked for that day, because doing it weekly would cause problems.... Read the blogs and you will see why our government is so fucked, and why my pay was short.  But its my fault because I should have realized it would happen.
      OK, that's really not what I am pissed at......Where to begin.....  Lets start with the idiots of BP and especially the President of that company who said today that he really didn't think it was that big a deal.  Right asshole.......Only 11 lives lost, fishing and crabbing industry screwed, sea turtles, fish and all those other thingies in the ocean screwed, tourism due to messed up beaches will be massive, not to mention what we still don't know about Guaranteed this will have a huge effect for years to come.....But,. BP claims it's only 5,000 barrels a day. I have to believe it is closer to 20,000....... I guess they are the top assholes of the day with lots of guessing as to how to resolve this.............Then there is the US Army recalling 44,000 helmets that do not meet specifications.  Great job Army, why worry about are troops ?  Did you ever hear of inspecting these prior to giving them to the troops ??? More assholes and idiots.
     How about the terror groups that are now targeting NY ?  You know that is only going to get worse..  More idiots trying to mess up the USA.  Sure, no racial profiling.....Let anyone plant a bomb. And yes, I am all for what is going on in Arizona.  Somewhere, somehow, someone has to have the balls to make life safe for those legal US Citizens.  I am not saying the new law is perfect, but at least it's a start. Don't go yelling at me because I read the 10 page bill.  I also spent 2 years in the US Army and I am proud to be an American.  It's time for all of us to stand up and stop all the bullshit that is going on.  OK, I am ranting again.
      I get the NY Post delivered to me in Florida on a daily basis and it is amazing how much bull shit is going on by idiots of all sizes and shapes.  Gov. Patterson giving his aids a raise when the state is so in debt.......Girl's beware because having a boy toy ( younger ) can be hazardous to your health.......People are complaining that Elena Kagan is a lesbian????  who cares..........Doorman in NY buildings shaking down cabbies for fares to airports..........Heinz Ketchup is changing it's recipe to slash salt..........Kate and Cameron fighting over A-Rod........Rapper Lil Wayne in jail might have other problems because they found a MP3 player in his possession........Law & Order is now Law & Over.......WTF is happening to the world ????
     How can one not be cynical when reading a paper, watching news on TV, or surfing the web ????
Thank God for Facebook and Porn......

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