Friday, February 13, 2015

Where is your Reward Card ?

 OK. So I was spoiled while living in Florida and not having to deal with all these stupid rewards cards. Publix, the regional supermarket in the So. Florida area was pretty good.  They ran sales, had their buy one get one free shit, and certain other promotions as all super markets do. However, I wasn't forced to carry around one of those ridiculous fucking cards that save you nothing with me.
Of course, that was until I discovered the magical world of Ralph's in California.  Will someone tell me why Mr. Ralph thinks we are all stupid and believe the pricing in the store ????   For example.......A bottle of juice is $14.75  BUT with the Ralphs super duper deluxe priority special value club card it is only $1.25.    OK, so maybe I exaggerated a bit... But really, if you look around the store all you see are inflated prices in LARGE LETTERS and the club price in normal lettering.
What have we become ?  Are we strictly victims of Madison Ave bullshit ? Do we have to shop like sheep and hand a stupid card to the stupid checkout person in order to get the price we should be getting just for going into that store ?
If you want me to shop and spend lots of time and money, I think it only right that you do something to attract me to the store.  Don't waste money on all that advertising, card promotions, huge signs about sales....Nope...Just do something to make the scenery somewhat better. Take some of that money and hire some cool people to shop.

I am not saying that I will shop longer and spend more money if the aisles looked like the pictures above...But......Who am I kidding ?????  I would be there shopping on a daily basis.   Wouldn't you ?

1 comment:

  1. I hope all is well and again thanks. I guess there is ridiculousness wherever we may roam. But not sure if any place could match S. Florida! LOL ;) XO
