Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bye Bye Brian

See ya Brian.  You were a good guy. You sat there and read the news like the rest
of the idiot newscasters. You looked presentable. You appealed to a certain type of person. You were in prime time. You had plenty going for you. You even had (or have) a really hot daughter.
Maybe that is the reason I like you.  You really didn't do anything wrong. Sure, you bullshitted a little, took things out of context a little, exaggerated the truth somewhat, made up a few stories that were somewhat exciting.  Shit...you did nothing more than the President of the United States does each and everyday, or what each and every politician in this country does on a daily basis.
Brian, let me tell you something.  Your fucked. This 6 months suspension is going to be a permanent one on NBC.  Your being put out to pasture my friend. Making room for a younger guy.  It's not fair, it's not just.  In fact look at some of the rotten, lousy, shitty, lying, cheating, stealing, people that are on TV on a daily basis.  Look at some of the advisers to major figures.  We don't have to go very far to think of some of them. Oh wait.....The snake Al Sharpton....That asshole is not being taken off the air for 6 months.
But then again Brian....Ten Million Dollars a year for sitting on your ass and reading a teleprompter......God Bless America.

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