Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Leave Me Alone

Please leave me alone. Please let me do my own shopping. Please don't run up to me every 15 seconds and ask me if I have found everything I am looking for .  OK, let me explain. I am a great shopper.  I usually know what I want upon entering a store and refuse to spend lots of time in one.
Being as I used to do business with many retailers, I know store layouts and can probably tell you where everything is blindfolded.  When I am in stores like Bed Bath and Beyond, it's only for a few things and I refuse to ever take a shopping cart. In fact, I basically won't use a shopping cart anywhere.  I love those little faggy baskets and especially love just using those 2 hands that I was fortunately given at birth.
I want to walk through the aisles and get what I need as fast as humanly possible and then get out of that store.  I don't want help from anyone......after all.....I have a mouth also and if I required someones help, I would certainly ask for it.
This is so not possible at Bed Bath and Beyond.  They have nice salespeople there, and I am sure they are doing their job as they were taught...........BUT.......Why do they feel compelled to practice on me ?  Why with every 10 feet I take,  must someone ask me if I am finding everything I am looking for ?  What do they think ?  Am I General Custer at Little Big Horn ?  Do they really give a shit if I found it or not ?  Or am I getting so old they are worried that I won't make it to the checkout line ?
Wait....I have walked another 5 feet and am approached by another salesperson asking me if I needed a shopping cart ?  No...I don't need, nor do I want one of your stupid fucking shopping carts.  Next time, I am going to ask them to please relay my message to every other sales person there who is about to ask me one of the two questions above.
         However...............and I do mean However....

If your salespeople looked like this, Not only would I buy more things, I would use a couple of shopping carts, and of course would spend a hell of a lot more time in your store shopping....Just Saying.

1 comment:

  1. As ornery as ever.
    It does keep the juices flowing, just make sure they don't wind up staining your pants.
