Sunday, May 18, 2014

So Much Bullshit

How can we be such a great country, yet constantly find ways to fuck up everything about it ? How can we have the greatest military in the world, yet find ways to fuck our veterans ? How can all this be possible ?  Reading the news these past few weeks about all the shit going on in our VA Hospitals makes me sick.  When I first moved down to Florida, I used the VA hospital for medical stuff.  This only lasted a little more than a year, because I worried every single time I went there.
There was something about it that scared me.  I only prayed that I didn't become really sick that I would have to be admitted there.  From the outside, it was beautiful.  A nice new building, lots of pretty trees, etc. around it, free valet parking.  But then, on the inside, it was complete chaos.  I felt like I was back in the Army waiting on line again for anything and everything.  Wait for an appointment which took forever. Wait for a blood test. Wait to see the primary doctor. Wait for everything....OK, the primary doctor I had was a pretty nice guy.  The problem is, he would spend about 120 seconds with me and take a quick look at me and a quick look at the blood tests...There was no other time for anything else because of the huge number of other vets he was treating. There were some good things about the VA Center, but the bad certainly outweighed the good....
I realized this pretty quick and soon left there. Who knew that some ten years later, people would be dying to get in, and dying as a result of some of the things I just mentioned.  Usually I can joke about anything and everything, but this is a disgrace....Shame on you VA.

Speaking of things that are bullshit in the news lately is the new gift shop in the just opened up world trade center museum.  Sure the museum is great (I am sure), and of course there is going to be some enterprising people that have figured out more ways to fuck the public by having an overpriced gift shop with all kinds of useless items.  But what the hell, all those wonderful folks visiting from Kansas and anywhere other than NY, CA, will spend a fortune buying useless crap.  But then again, how is that different from going to a ball game these days and buying and eating all that other useless crap ?  I can't wait for St. Patricks Cathedral to have a gift shop.

The 9/11 museum’s absurd gift shop 

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