But not before I get really High.The above picture was taken recently on top of NY's Empire State Building. It was snapped by a smart phone very similar to pictures you and I would think nothing of taking. Naturally we would be careful of young kids about. Problem here is relatively simple. The owners of the ESB are suing Allen Henson (Boobs around town project........I'm not the only one) for 1.1 million dollars. The lawyers for the Empire State Building are claiming this ruins the family friendly views.......Shit....I gotta believe this can only enhance those family friendly views.....Oh well.
Let's face it. Boobs are everywhere. Boobs are in politics, sports, education, retailing, restaurants, transportation, etc. You get the idea. Boobs are not only what you are thinking of right now. Boobs go deeper and are much more sophisticated today. Tell me that you haven't been in your car this past day or two and see something that prompted you to say "What a fucking Boob" ?????
Watch or play some volleyball, tennis or any other sport.
Does Beer Pong Count ? You be the judge.
And the very last and very best Boob in High Places goes to Costco. Where else can you wait on line to get into the store, wait on line to check out, and then wait on line to get out with your overloaded shopping cart. Besides, those super size everything that is sold there makes me crazy. I guess living alone is no reason to shop there. I buy crap that I don't need, or crap that will spoil prior to me finishing it. However, I am convinced that I am saving money...I almost bought a box of condoms there recently, but figured out that it would be impossible to have that much sex prior to my dying. Wish I had been smart enough to have thought of a warehouse club ?????
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