Friday, November 8, 2013

Really ?

Even if I tried with all my heart and soul, I couldn't make this shit up. There are many deodorants for men and women, but this is obviously the first one that smells like Bacon.
It was dreamed up by Seattle-based J&D's Food, the company behind bacon-flavored salt and baconnaise, and officially called Power Bacon Deodorant. It is the "world's first Bacon-scented deodorant."
I have done some research on this and guess what ?
1. It's tag line is, "For When You Sweat Like A Pig."
2. It is a "meaty fresh evolution of meat flavored and scented health and beauty products."
3. It "provides 24 hours of Bacon Scent."
4. You should "apply liberally to underarms or private areas."
And if you would like your penis to smell like bacon, you can buy a stick for $9.99 at their website.

Now, where the fuck do I find a babe that uses and\ egg deodorant ?    Really ?
I am so glad we are in the middle of the Football Season.  Actually, I can't wait until early 2014 for the opening of the LFL.  Really act surprised ? Your going to tell me that you don't know what the Legends Football League is ?  OK, so they changed the name from Lingerie Football.........
I don't know about you or what your thinking, but I do know there is something to be said about this. Actually, I see absolutely no downside in suddenly becoming  a fan of this league. I also know plenty about football, so right out of the box I will predict the team with the largest average size tits will win the championship.....Really ????

Here is something that even I don't believe. I use one of those one price cleaners in the neighborhood for some shirts and stuff that can't go in the washing machine.  I have been going to this place for some time now.  They don't do anything on the premises, but send it all out.  They have those moving racks to hang everything, and there is one or two nice Asian women in the front all the time.  I get greeted with a big hello, give her my shirts and ticket to pick up the stuff from last week. Right....Pretty simple and basic.  They know me and I know them and we exchange small talk and everything is wonderful.........Except for the following.  For some reason, the cost usually always ends in a 26 cent, or a 51 or 56 cent....You get the drift.
There is this little penny bowl by the cash register for those times when I need a penny.  ( I am sure they use this for other customers as well).  This morning, I picked up some shirts, and needed just one silly little penny.  And lo and behold.......the fucking penny bowl was empty....I picked it up as I gave her money to show her it was empty and guess what ????? She gave me 4 pennies with the balance of my change.......I looked at her and said....."Really".  This little Asian girl had no fucking clue as to what I was talking about.......Really...

Thank God for Reality ....Now follow me on Twitter. 


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