Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wives and Girlfriends

I am a guy. All guys talk about their wives and more often their girlfriends. There is this thing guys do that simply makes you want to envy each and everyone of us for being so lucky as to have the most special, gorgeous, terrific, wonderful, in shape partner.

       Guys talk about it to each other, we tease each other about it, and we constantly make references about the fact of these trophies we have.  (Actually, I am not one of these Trophy Masters ) .   Actually, I sometimes find it more than amusing listening to some of my friends talk about their girl friends and in some very rare occasions, their wives.
Then of course, comes the reverse.  The Guys.......There is something wrong with this picture when you see a great looking lady, with a guy who is far from great. Now we are not speaking of love now, because that is another whole ballgame.  We are simply talking about what you see in everyday life all around you.

          I guess the reality is completely simple. I know that writing this blog several times a week has been wonderful therapy for me and hopefully has given you some ammunition to laugh at and realize how fucked up things really are, as well as how fucked up people really are.  For me however, it simply justifies my writing and the truth that is associated with it. ......Thus......Cynical Ridiculous and Pathetic..........Enjoy your day and please don't give any thoughts to having a threesome with the above picture ????????  Maybe some of the others, but certainly not this one. (above)

BTW.  If you purchase a CRaP Cap, or maybe drink from a CRaP Coffee Mug, you will increase your chances of being with one of the above......Just sayin

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