Saturday, October 1, 2011

Real Agents ????? or Real Estate Agents ?????? ( A Repeat )

What the F**k gives with Real Estate Agents ????  What is the f**ken deal with their business cards ?????  Who the f**k is the picture on their business cards ????
Why is there always a picture of some attractive youngish person on their business cards as pictured above, but when you actually see or meet them............they look like the next picture somewhat 30 years later ????? Why can't they just have a picture on a business card that looks like them ???? In fact, why must they have a picture at all ????  Who the hell gives a shit what they look like.... I was in my apparel business for 25 years and never thought of putting my picture on a business card. Have you ever gone to a doctor or lawyer and looked at their business card ???? There is no picture on it ???  So, WTF do Real Estate People have this strange need to put their picture on their card, that looks nothing like them ????  I have a good friend who is an escort and I am going to suggest that she puts her picture on her business card... That would be nice.....
     I just don't get it. I don't get these husband and wife selling teams in Real Estate.  Who is kidding who ????  90 % of all real estate agents and brokers are all phony, bullshit, bored woman trying to earn a living.  There is one problem however. All they really give a shit about is getting that one year listing and then...................fuck you Charlie..........  You might see them....or you might not. Whatever the case, if your property is sold in the next year, they will get their 3%.  Not bad for bullshitting you for a while, getting on your good side, and whammy, having you sign that stupid contract with them.  Again, I am not picking on all you agents... I know there are some good ones out there who actually do look like their picture, or don't even have a picture on their cards, and actually do work to sell your property.  OK, so with that said, let me continue to rant on these other 90%.
     I recently ended a one year contract with some agents that are exactly the way I described them in the above portion.  It was a husband and wife team, and I still have never met the husband.  She was highly recommended by some important people I knew. She was wonderful the first day or two we spoke and really sold me a bill of goods as to how they would advertise my condo, where, how professional their company was, and all the other bullshit that goes along with it.  Naturally, me being that sweet, wonderful, trusting sole that believes everyone, I bought it.  What a jerk I was.
     Well, I still have not turned my keys over to the new owners yet, but I guess that is because she did not sell it.  But I did see and here from her whenever she wanted me to lower the price.  I guess that if you keep lowering your price, eventually some asshole will buy it.
    Naturally, everything today is on  multiple listings and visible to anyone looking to buy.  It's a complicated yet simple principal that really has not changed in ages.... Someone wants to buy a house or condo, likes what they see, is priced right, and it's sold........So ????? If it is simple, why is the housing market so fucked and I can't sell my Condominium ?????

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