Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Road Rage

Road Rage.....Damn Right I have Road Rage.  In fact who doesn't have RR these days ?  It is impossible to get behind the wheel today without getting pissed at something or someone.  There are more fucking crazy drivers today and they are everywhere.
     I have no doubt that someday I am going to get out of my car and attack someone...I will go over to him or her and yell and scream and grab them by their throat and just want to kill them....Why am I doing this ?   Shit, if you have to ask, you should not be driving.
     All one needs to do is look at the driver in front of you...Without knowing you, or who is in front of you, (OK, maybe not right this second ) I can almost guarantee some of the following....The driver is switching lanes and has not put on their directional once....The driver is speeding, then breaking, then speeding etc.......Of course they are on their phone while doing this...... The driver is sitting there after the light has changed but too busy speaking on the phone to notice the damn light has turned green.  The driver in front of you all of a sudden decides they want to make a turn either to the left or right and simply shoot out crossing about 3/4 traffic lanes.....The person in front of you is in the left lane driving about 25 MPH in a 45 MPH zone....... Am I getting warm ???
      This is a little kit that I am thinking of getting to leave in my car.... I try to stay calm, but it get harder by the day.......Oh, what about being stopped in busy traffic, not moving at all, and listening to the asshole to your left blast his radio like he was at a concert ????   It doesn't stop.... People are complete assholes and have no regard for anyone else, especially on the road.
Usually we just make some hand motions , or if the window is closed we tend to yell at the other person... Actually, that seems to be the safer way of doing it......But I do know that my day is coming... I will eventually get that fucking son of a bitch that I have been thinking about forever.  I will teach them a lesson in driving..... I will drive their head thru their car window.....Wow, that felt good to say, because I know that I am to much of a Wus to actually do something like that.
      I guess it will have to be little signs and little hand gestures..... Oh well.....that does work.

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