Thursday, October 28, 2010


aaaahhhhh. The wonders of reading the morning paper really can make your day. One would think there was enough shit going on all around us, but NO, we have to laugh at some of the nonsense that seem to make the local NY Post and will tomorrow be in some other local papers in the US.
     Of course the headline front Page............ta DA........Charlies Angel.  That is about Charlie Sheen and his Plaza Hotel drunken rant with a hooker and coke.  Actually, I thought that was a preview of next weeks 2 1/2 Men..........The UN is battling bedbugs. Along with the Met. Opera House, Empire State Building, Carnegie Hall, etc........Gees....Where do you expect these little guys to stay with rents as high as they are ?............James Cameron unveiled plans for 2 new Avatar movies... Great.....Maybe I better get around to seeing the first one........... Jon Stewart and the Prez in the Daily Show gig.  Way to go Jon........Iron Mike has told the paper that he would have been OK with Mel Gibson working on Hangover 2.  Now there are two peas in a pod.........Jones NY warns that clothing prices will climb. They can climb all they want, the end result is will they sell ???.........For a mere $339,000 you can buy a 400 sq foot apt on 85th street with maintenance of $731 per month. Good luck.........Watching the world series last night, I noticed that half of the SF Giants looked like they were teenagers. 
     But the real area of Bullshit is on Television, although that should come to a quick halt on Tuesday night.  Can you believe the lies, nonsense, and complete fiasco of each and every one of those ads??????  It really repulses me to have my intelligence questioned by most of this negative, name calling crap that is happening on both sides of the aisle.  Most of these politicians on the state level should be ashamed of themselves.  I am involved with a civic association where I reside, and it's a joke in a half there as well. Fortunately, we have one person on the city board that has a brain, and is trying to do a good job. Thank you Dawn Pardo for this.  As for most of the others on the this title..........
      Hurry up Tuesday, so that a new bunch of idiots can take power.

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