Saturday, October 26, 2013

Return of the Boobs

I would rather wear a CRaPUSA cap
Buy a CRaPUSA cap
A change to the Marine Corps' uniform hats could leave hard-nosed Leathernecks looking a lot less macho.According to the New York Post, President Obama's plan to create a "unisex" look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines' iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so "girly" that they would make the French blush.
"We don't even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women's hats!" one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. "The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous."   Way to go Prez.  BTW, it was shot down.  No faggy caps for our Marines.
CRaPUSA products are not sold at Barneys
Here we go again.  Now we will hear more shit about "Profiling", with the second person claiming to be stopped by security at Barneys, New York. Yup, a big fat black girl has accused Barneys of racial profiling after being detained by 4 undercover police officers prior to boarding a train...Oh yes....she had a $2,500 bag that she purchased there with a debit card that didn't have her name on it.....Ummmmm.
But alas, no need to worry. Rev Al will soon be on the case.  Actually, do any of us really know how this whole thing went down....I do know that because fuck face Al Sharpton is getting involved that simply means this girl is guilty of something....So who is the Boob ?  Barney or Al ?
Imagine my surprise yesterday morning while reading my online edition of the NY Post ?  Here I am looking at an old friend (who I haven't seen in many years) on the front cover of the paper. Then I read that he was arrested for trying to arrange a sick tryst with a 7 year old girl, whom he hoped to liquor up in the Virgin Island and force into sex. This was as per federal authorities.. When I knew Dave, he was a quiet guy working for WNEW in NY, as a pretty cool Rock and Roll DJ.  His kid was friendly and went to the same school as mine, and our wives were also friendly.
After reading the entire story, I got sick.  What a rotten piece of shit he turned into.  A 7 year old ?   He should just be shot. End of story.   And by far, the biggest Boob ever.
Return of the Boobs by CRaPUSA

But now it's time to get down to some good old fashioned  crap.  You guessed it right away.  The return of the Boobs.  This is what is really important and what should be taking up the 6 o'clock news in all our homes.  The Side Boobs.  This should be a holiday. This should be something to celebrate. This should be deemed a must for all pretty young females. Oh CRaP, I am just having an anything but a Dave Herman moment.
Why can't it be a National Holiday. It would be one we would all look forward to. Or maybe sideways.

         Don't be a Boob........Read CRaPUSA.....Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, dude, can you make a font-size bigger than 13px? 16px would be perfect
