Saturday, August 22, 2015

Are You Kidding Me ?

The Donald is right !  There is more stupidity in this country than anywhere in the world.  I'll give you an example now of equal importance. Lysol Click gel is a wonderful product that I recently discovered.  Click it on the side of your toilet bowl and it will make the entire bathroom smell good for several days. (That is assuming your toilet bowl is in your bathroom ?? )  I have been buying this at Ralph's which is a large supermarket chain in California. I looked for the same thing when I was shopping at Vons', which is another large supermarket chain in California, while shopping there recently.  Bottom line is they were in both stores at a cost between $4.99 and $5.50 each.  Problem....No......But.......I happen to have been in Walmart recently and the same exact product is $2.29....Are we all fucking crazy or do certain stores have a license to steal that I am not aware of ?

I'm a New Yorker thru and thru.  Born and raised in the City and it will always be referred to as my home.  These days I am living in a small, cool, resort city in California.  It's different, but I still manage to read the New York Post every single morning with my morning coffee.  I think we both look forward to that quiet time together.   The Post has the greatest headlines of any newspaper in the world. No matter what the news or stories are about, you can be rest assured that you will get your share of chuckles simply by reading the headlines of each story. I have posted a few (although not necessarily from the Post) .

This picture in the pool shows some polar bears going for a swim in NJ.   The Post header to the story is "Pooler Bears"  Mam & cubs cool off at Jersey Home....Gotta make the whole morning coffee thing worthwhile.

Of course, it's not only the NY Post. TV stations don't get it right all the time either. But, what the hell.  We are so messed up as a country, whats a few more mishaps going to do ?

Fortunately, one of the few things that is not being challenged is our ability to like and enjoy either Big or Small......God Bless America.


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