Sunday, August 10, 2014

Everything Old is New Again

 Why do I bother to read the newspaper ?  Why do I bother to watch the news on TV ? Why does it matter what seems to be going on today in this very fucked up world we live in ?  The answer is very simple. It doesn't matter one bit..........AND........if you have anything memory left in those things we call brains, it's all a repeat.  Here are a few examples that caught my eye this past week.   "The Squeegee Men".  WTF ???  Back in the 70's, these maniacs would be on lots of street crossings in NYC waiting for a traffic light to turn red. Then, Lo and behold,  up to your car they would come and start cleaning your windshield before you had a chance to chase them away.  The problem is your windshield would be dirtier than when they started and you would give them a buck just to get rid of them.  Naturally they used dirty newspapers and whatever to actually clean (ha ha) the windshield.  It reached a point that you would give them money to stay away, and not have to worry about an incident.....Guess What.???? They are back.
He is back.  Oh wait, he never left.  Yes, that piece of shit and complete trouble maker Al Sharpton is at it again...Naturally, he is front and center when something happens in the black community, whether it be right or wrong.  Well, there was a black man who resisted arrest and the cops tried to control him and unfortunately he had a heart attack and died.  Forget the fact that he resisted arrest and weighed about 400 pounds.  Well, Al was planning to have a massive protest on the Verrazano Bridge and gave NY Mayor DeBlasio all kinds of grief...The mayor begged Sharpton not to do it, as it would tear the city apart...WTF is that all about...Hey Mayor DeBlasio, get a set of balls and tell that asshole where to go.
Ah, but back to green and calm...Bill and Hillary are going to spend three weeks in the Hampton's at a modest rental off $100,000 for this period. Seems fair to me. Oh, but I wonder if electricity and water are extra ?  Do you think they had to also leave a security deposit. ?
And then there was ISIS.  Now there are US jets trying to defend desperate minorities, with air strikes on Iraq, and terrorists almost everywhere.  Shooting innocent people, hanging heads on posts, scaring the shit out of innocent people...  Here we go again.
And then there is Israel . One of the only democratic places in the Arab region that has the balls, is able to, and will do what it takes to defend itself against aggression.  Is this anything new for them ?  How long has this been going on ?

But the best news of the week, and something that is also very old that it is new again goes to my friends at Nine West.  I say my friends, because we moved into their old office's and showrooms many years ago when they moved out.  OK, so that doesn't necessarily make them my friends.   Anyway, you gotta love their Walk of Shame  ads for bags and shoes.  Not only does it make sense, but it is really clever advertising...  Thank you Nine West for making my newspaper reading this past week somewhat bearable.
Disclaimer  None of the ideas expressed in this blog are actually mine. They are told to me by Luthor and Ferdinand, the five inch tall space aliens who live under my desk. In return for these ideas, I have given them permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find under there.Luthor and Ferdinand have also voted CRaPUSA the number one read and enjoyed Blog in Eastern Iowa. Isn't that wonderful?????
Feel free to email Luthor or Ferdinand and let them know what you think of them. or

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