Sunday, May 19, 2013

Here are this week's Boobs

 "What, me worry".  OMG Juice, what have you been eating ?  OJ claims to be on a bean diet and is not heavy, but solid as a rock.....Not quite sure what kind of rock that is. He also said, "I don't like this vibe, I feel like I'm back on "Roots".
I guess that after you have gotten away with killing 2 people you are entitled to speak your mind and say whatever you want....Oh wait...This is for another crime....Silly me.
Speaking of sports....Take Mike Goodson, the newly acquired running back of the NY Jets.  He is only making 6.9 million, but wait.....He was just arrested for possession of weed and a handgun..Give me a break sports fans....And he hasn't played one game yet ????
But I can find good in everyone and everything...(Right?)  Good Old Papa Johns and their wonderful delivery system. Oh wait.  Seems like one of the delivery people was using that as a front for delivering cocaine. I guess the uniform and Papa Johns logo on the car was a cool way to deliver a kilo of Coke............
Of course there is a wonderful story about Rhett, a New York borzoi dog owned by some doctor. The doctor is renting out the pup to finance pet-site surgery. You can rent Rhett out for a mere $1.00 per minute with a 30 minute min.  All you need is a credit card and a drivers license.
Usually Rhett is rented for no more than 2 hours, but it's possible for an entire weekend. He gets lots of attention and my feeling it that it is one big, wonderful, great, unusual, terrific, bold pick-up tool....How terrible to promote it like that......Why the fuck didn't I think of it ?
  Here is something completely out of the blue.....63% of the people surveyed would rather sit next to a crying baby than a smell adult.....Now you know.


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