Get the picture ? I am so over Facebook that it isn't even funny anymore. Facebook used to be wonderful when it was a Social Networking tool to stay in touch with friends and see what they are up to. It was nice to see them, what they were up to, what their kids were doing, what was going on at work, etc.
Guess what ? All that good shit has just about changed. First of all every car salesmen, entertainer, real estate agent, restaurant, or any other local place just wants to have a zillion friends and accepts any idiots friend request. That way they are able to sell their product.
Yup, it's all about marketing. But what the hell, so is everything else around us. I have done the same thing with my crappy like page for my blog...Shit, I am not stupid. If all these other assholes do it, why shouldn't I join the parade.????? See, now you understand the nonsense I am talking about. Sell, Promote, Sell, Promote........
Maybe if we all got together and decided not to follow any business, or sales promotions , some of this shit will change. When I go shopping and a salesperson asks for my email address when I am checking out...I simply say I don't have one. Why do I want to receive all the bullshit ads that I know will come from that store ? And when I do get an email and try to unsubscribe, I get a message that I have been successfully unsubscribed or it may take up to 30 days to honor this request....Fuck You buddy....this is the electronic year of 2013 and everything can be done instantly. But this is for another day.
Facebook also has all these games and those playing it are constantly trying to invite their friend to join in so they can get more points, etc. Then I see their posts about them reaching a new level every 15 minutes....Guess What ? I don't give a rats ass what level they reach or how many fucking animals they have in their farm....
Then we are plagued by these friend requests from people we don't know that leave in places we never heard of....Fuck You as well. I don't want to be your friend. I don't give a shit about you and I don't care what you believe in.
And to those who feel compelled to post Proverbs, Poems, Life's messages I have some news for you.....Tell it to your therapist. I don't give a shit about your higher self, your lower self, when the world is coming to an end, how the weather was 49 years ago, what you ate for breakfast, or any of that stupid shit......If your therapist is busy, simply take out your smartphone and call someone and tell it to them. (Please make sure it's not me)
And of course there is every fucking restaurant that feels compelled to tell me their menu daily, what is going on each and every night, what specials are available, and who is going to fart at the bar tomorrow night. If I was interested I would want you to send me an email and make me feel important rather that blasting it allover FB.
And of course there is every fucking real estate broker or agent trying to sell a house or pimp out their agency...Fuck you...I am not buying a house on Facebook...
I want to go back to the nice , easy, basic, simple facebook that we all liked. I had my friends to keep in touch with, I shared photos with my friends, I was able to post and see the status of my friends, see their pictures and stay in touch with their families, would read posts about what they were up to and see current pictures of what they were doing. But the key here is "Friends".
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