Friday, April 5, 2013

Enough Already

 I make calls and I receive them.  I text and I get texts.  I will occasionally google something on my smart phone when I am out.......BUT.....I am not like some of these assholes that are around us all the time that are unable to put their device away.
Why is it necessary for some people to speak on their phones wherever they are ?  What is so fucking important the they need to talk and eat, while sitting eating breakfast at the counter in a local coffee shop ?  Why is it so important for these type of idiots to carry on a conversation sitting so close to someone who is trying to enjoy his or her meal ?  Why did I have to sit next to some jerk and listen to his car problems and other bullshit , while I am trying to enjoy my western omelet?   
I guess somethings will never be answered. I guess some people simply feel the necessity to speak and/or text constantly.
Whatever happened to those good old day when people spoke to other people in person ?  When you were with friends and you looked at them, instead of that fucking IPhone or Android ? What ever happened to those good old days when people had manners in a restaurant ?  What about people driving a car and having both hands on the wheel , instead of one by their ear while talking ? What about people going to the gym to work out instead of texting and talking while on a machine? What about checking out of a supermarket and looking and talking to the cashier instead of rudely speaking on a cell phone ? 
I can go on and on, but the bottom line is this........Put your fucking phones down every once and a while......Wow, I feel so much better now...Have to cell is ringing.......


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