Gotta Love the USA |
Really now. How can so much stupid and ridiculous stuff go on each and every day ? How can our newspapers and all other media outlets continue to report on stuff that is so not newsworthy ? Oh, who am I kidding, I just love it. Where else can we get such comic relief.????
All Grown Up |
Yes, the newspapers yesterday had all sorts of pictures of Miley Cyrus sporting combat boots and a new hacked hairdo, ditching her Disney Image for a radical punk look in the East Village of NY. Well, that is newsworthy....
Just Minding My Own Business |
The terrible tragedy in NY by the Empire State Building where 2 people were killed and 9 others wounded. Problem is the nine were wounded by police. That is going to cost NY lots of money in lawsuits as well as lots of investigation on the part of the police.
Really ? |
Wardrobe malfunctions always make for news. Actually, I don't mind that one bit. Guess I like to pick and choose what is newsworthy myself.
21 |
Big spenders at 21 Club in NY spent $16,640 for 2 bottles of Petrus 82 the other day. I guess that went well with their cheeseburgers ?
Ster What ? |
The Rocket, "Roger Clemens" made his pitching start last night in Sugar Land , Texas. WTF is that all about ? At 50 years old he is going to make another comeback ? Is he going to pitch for Houston ? Is the Baseball commissioner going to ever allow him to play again in the majors ? Who knows.
RIP Neil |
Oh, but I was able to find a little story and picture of our mood hero, Neil Armstrong. RIP Neil. I guess the news just has a way of getting the good and the bad at some point.....
I can't complain. I am sitting here listening to the raw of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac that is really making a lot of noise. But no problem, I am sure I will see something about it in the newspapers tomorrow.
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Did the people whom purchased the very expensive wine have it verified? The latest scam against the rich , is to fake labels of very pricey wines and place them on lesser priced bottles. Or to refill already drank expensive bottles with cheap wine and then re-seal. Crazy!