Metro - New York City tap water beats $2.50 filtered Molecule water in Metro taste test
Onyl $2.50 a bottle....Click Link on top |
What is true ? Who can you trust anymore ? I have pretty much seen everything during my life, and continue to do so. I was born and raised in NYC, spent most of my life there, had a business there, and currently live in the land of sunshine in So. Florida. I only state the obvious because there is not very much that confuses me, or I think is stupid etc. (OK, so we all know that is plain fucking bullshit).
Here is the deal. This morning I was reading the NY Post and saw this article (Link above) about NY Tap water being bottled with a few procedures done in between to purify it. It only sells for $2.50. Wow, that is a real fucking bargain for stinking tap water, which really isn't too bad if you are a New Yorker. Actually, I think you become immune to water after some time of drinking the same thing.
I don't know about you, but I cannot believe the amount of space every grocery or large food chain devotes to bottled water. That in itself tells you how profitable it must be for the makers of those brands. In fact in my area the water sections is probably larger than the liquor aisles...Ummm.
Enjoy the Water |
So is tap water from NY better than Fuji , Nestles, or any of the other designer label water we buy ? I think at this point I don't give a shit and will continue to buy the ones that are on sale that particular week. After all, I certainly cannot tell the difference.
So after having a nice bottle of water this morning I drove to my local Bank of America where I was going , for the sole purpose of re-ordering some checks. Now mind you, I very seldom write a check and probably had my exhausted check supply for 3 years. After all, I do (like most of you) all my banking on line except for that occasional check that must be written on the spot. (which is not very often)
None Left ? |
Now it wasn't too long ago that banks were giving you toasters, free gifts, all sorts of stuff to get you to be a customer. And yes......even free checks....
Actually this is still being done at some local, regional banks, in some parts of the country. But the Giant Banks like Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, blah blah blah are not included in this list......I merely wanted a simple check for the once a month time that I cannot issue one on line......The nice lady at the bank showed me these fancy checks with pictures similar to Anthony Weiners weiner or 3D animals floating around for some ridiculous fee. I don't give a rats ass what the check looks like. I am not saving it, I am not looking at it, I am merely writing some shit on there, and giving it to someone...I don't give a fuck what they do with it next....So I calmly said to this nice bank lady........Where are the free check ? I don't care if my name and stuff is not on it...Well, I finally got out of there with a basic check that cost $14.00 a package...I didn't even care how many came in it...I asked her if I get a toaster with that and she looked at me like I was crazy.

After all is said and done I realize I was lucky there is still not a charge for walking into the Bank of America. There certainly is a charge for everything else.. is so nice to be able to do everything on line and not have a single conversation with anyone.
So what does water and banking have in common ? How the hell do I know.
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