Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was originally going to write about company and what a real pain in the ass it is. Sure, it's great for a day or two and then it seems to go to shit.  We all have friends and family that we have visited or have visited us.  Please don't think that I am a scrooge or a jerk, but I don't like company that stays for more than a day or two.  Naturally, if it's a good looking, sexy female, all bets are off.  But I am really wondering if most people are really like me ?  Company is a pain in the ass for the most part.
      The above however, is the part that is not the most part.  I love one on one visits. I really do not care for more than that.  It just seems that guests all have the same thing in common. They use more fucking towels then if they were staying at a hotel.  They make more of a mess then if they were at their own home.  And they need to be entertained on an hourly basis.
      I have to be honest and admit that when my best friend and his wife come to visit they are the general exception to my rule. But truth be told, they never stay for more than one or two nights, although they could stay forever because they are wonderful.  But again, I don't think there are many people like them.

       I also know that some of the women that have spent some time with me are worse than anything you can imagine.  Somehow, however, the better built and better looking they are seems to minimize the perils of their usually sloppy ways.   The other problem is that I am very clean and neat and sometimes I even make myself nuts with how anal I am.
       Fuck, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore.  I am sounding like one of those extremely shallow people that lets things slide if they are having good sex and simply learn to ignore all the other crap that goes with it.
      Maybe it's just the fact that Easter and Passover are almost here and I have no-one visiting me. Maybe I am a little sad about that, or maybe I am just thrilled to death about that. I admire some people I know that love company. They simply live to have company and do it often and well.  I am certainly not one of them
     Some company is wonderful and will always be wonderful. Some company is torture and will always be torture.  I think the fun is putting your friends and family into one of those categories.  Oh, By the way ?????????????   What Category are You In ????

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