The above is probably the most copied and fake product around. I never understood why anyone would want a fake bag, or a fake watch, or a fake anything simply because it has some designer's name on it. I was in the designer business for many years and I never understood why anyone would choose to pay more for a designer name, when the same product was always offered for much less money without the name. Brand names are another story.
Facebook phonies are another example of Fake. There is more bullshit and lies and deception and just plain make believe fake shit going on there. I am on Facebook and certainly post my share of bullshit, but some of the Fake stories and Fake places people talk about.....Well that is just not right.I wonder if those people think they are fooling the rest of the world. My all time pet peeve are people with thousands of friends. I know some people in one of my FB groups that have three to five thousand friends....We all know that is just plain fucking bullshit. Maybe I just don't know the definition of Friend ?
Fake Tits is another one of my dislikes. OK, so I am not a tit man, but, I do appreciate a nice set of natural breasts. Why in gods name do some women think it is so important to have huge, hard, gigantic Breasts ??????? I know I gave the size twice, but I have been staring at the above and there seems to be 2 of everything. Fake is still Fake.
And men with hairpieces ???? Fake is fake... I wore one for a while, as I began to lose my hair in my 20's. Guys, it's the same as fake breasts. Unless of course the boobs and the hairpiece are just simply fantastic, and are able to go along with the fake bag you are carrying while bragging about all the fake shit you just did on Facebook.
Maybe we just live in a Fake world surrounded by fake products carried or worn by people who choose to be fake rather than real ? I certainly do not have the answer. I just write this CRaP for fun and love the fact that more than 1,000 of my closest friends in 177 of my closest countries read this every single day. But wait........Maybe these close friends of mine do not exist and just maybe they are all Fake........That would really suck......Be Real my Friends.
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