Monday, May 23, 2011

Stupid Ads....for real

I hate stupid fucking ads. I hate watching them on TV, looking at them in print, and listening to them on the radio.  They are dumb, waste my time, and do nothing more than make me want to scream. They insult my intelligence (what little is still left)  and I am sure do the same for you.  I don't know who they are targeting with some of the really dumb ones, but obviously there are some really stupid dumb ass people in the world that buy these products.
     The Loan that pays you ???? Just looking at it tells me it is stupid.  It is targeted towards old senile people that unfortunately do not know it is stupid, and probably completely false.  Then there is those ads that give you that "As seen on TV".......What the Fuck does that mean ???? Is that like watching porn on pay for view and then seeing a Trojan commercial that clearly says, "As seen on TV" ?????   IDK how stupid people are ?????
       Of course, my favorite all time dumb shit commercials are the ones for kitchen products that at the end say ..............And if you act NOW..........We will ship you not one, but two of these useless products.............All you do is pay a separate shipping and handling charge.  Of course this other charge is going to be more than the product is worth to begin with.......I am going to scream again....I don't want to ever see that shit again......I will never buy a product that insults me like that....never....ever....
     Fast foods are also the worst. The commercials look so good until you go to the store to buy's the old bait and switch trick........It is like calling up for a hooker you saw on Backpage and getting a substitute that came out of popular mechanics...
      Now lets get down to what I want, and what I am willing to buy from seeing a commercial. First of all it has to look good.
     I definitely watch Nikita, and it was simply due to the above ad.........So I am shallow.
     How can you not buy Diesel ????
     How can you not buy Diesel ????
     How can you not buy Diesel ?????
     Anyway, I am sure you get the idea......Make a creative add of any type and not only will we watch or pay attention to it................We might even buy the product...

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