Monday, May 23, 2011

Stupid People buy Stupid Logo's (a fun repeat from a year ago)

I was in the Men's fashion business most of my business career. This included dozens of trips to Italy each year, and lots of contact with some very well know designers. Going to some of the fashion shows in Milano was always fun. In fact for many years we made neckwear under the Krizia , Mario Valentino,  Paco Rabanne and several other designer names.  Actually, all they ever did was receive royalty checks from us as is custom in most fashion clothing and  accessories for men or women.  They got the checks, and we did the work.  Usually, none of the designers get involved except for giving a general approval, if even that.  The good news is that we had a license to steal.  That is correct.  A license to steal.....Curious now???????? Designer labels can generate a much larger price tag than the same merchandise without the label. But I am sure you already knew that.
     Sure, the designers got a nice royalty for the use of their name.  The manufacturer ( like my old company ) got a nice mark-up for the use of their name.  The customer got................Screwed............Yup.............Screwed.......... I personally made lots of money using these names on some of our merchandise, but throughout the years really never understood Why or How the average consumer could be so stupid !!!!!!!  Why would anyone care, or want to wear something with someone else's name in it or on it ????????  OK, so sometimes if the name is on the inside and it's not too visible and you love the item and it's priced well it's OK..... But to want to buy something with someone else's name prominently displayed ????????? Why......Are you fucking crazy ???????  I am not senile yet and would not want to have some other persons name on anything I wear because it would surely confuse me.  I have never (well mostly never) worn someone else's name on my clothing.  If I did, I would make damn sure they would pay me for walking around and advertising for them.
     As bad as this is in the Men's business, it is 1,000 times worse for the Ladies........All you lovely women out there reading this.   Are you all crazy ?  Why do you give a shit what it says on your handbag??????? Why do you give a shit what it says on your underwear or anything you wear ? Surely you can't be that insecure.  I know you don't give a shit what every Celeb on ET or Those other stupid shows on TV are wearing. I can't believe that anyone with a brain watches those dopes walking the Red Carpet and blabbing away to some other jerk as to what designer they are wearing.
      It goes on and on. Then it filters down to the Marshalls and TJ Maxx.  It doesn't stop. It is everywhere.  I can puke when I see the prices of Ladies Bags by some of the designers.  Waiting lists for years to get some of these.  Why...................$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......that is why.
     I am thinking of coming out with an expensive line of bags to sell at $3,000.00 each that will be made of plastic and have a big bold label called "Assholes".   I better calm down now, but I can't. Why???  Because there is something that is actually worse. There is one step beyond the craziness of Designer Merchandise......................And that is...........Fake Designer Merchandise.............So good luck to all those wonderful street vendors selling all these wonderful knock offs.  But at the end, does anyone really know the difference or even give a CRaP?????

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