Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolutions.........Going...........Going............Gone.................Try Again Next Year

WELL.......We are five days into the New Year and my question is simple.  What New Year's Resolution or Resolutions have you broken already ???????  Tell the truth..........You know that some are out the window and have been for days.
      It is just the same old bull shit each and every year. We promise ourselves that we won't make any resolutions because we know we are going to break them............BUT........what do we do ????? You are correct. We make them anyway.  Oh well, it gives us something to bitch about, tell our friends about, and something we will remember in 2012.   
     I no longer make any new years resolutions because I got tired of bullshitting myself years ago. What is the point ?  I know damn well that I am not going to ever last a full year on anything that I might promise myself, so why even bother.  Time magazine listed the 10 most popular resolutions that I will share with you.  How many have you broken already?????
     #1. lose weight and get fit.......ha ha ha.....that is a joke......#2. Quit lucky there because I don't smoke......#3. Learn something new everyday........that might work for a while.  #4. Eat Healthy........right???????  #5 Save money.......right again ?????  #6. Travel to new places......Why do I want to go to new places, when I like the old places so much ????  #7 Be less stressed ????? Does anyone really know me ???  #8 Spend more time with family......That is really great, but why is it that family you want to spend more time with seems to live the furthest from you????? #9. Volunteer....That also sounds good.  Been talking about that for years.....and the big #10. is.........Drink Less...............That doesn't even require an answer.
     I guess I just shot to shit most New  Years Resolutions.........Nothing like being a Debbie

Maybe some nice quotes will cheer you up....."Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits" ( I think a homeless person I know said that).........or Mark Twain who said "New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions.".
     Or Jay Leno who said, "Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average...which means, you have met your New Year's resolution..........Or Oprah Winfrey who said, "Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right."......My favorite is now " Why say or promise something that you really will never do ?". Oh wait.....................Isn't that life 101 ?
     Anyway, in a matter of only a few days, no-one will really give a shit about any new years resolution, or probably even remember what theirs was.. We will all be eating, drinking, going along our merry way without a thought in the world about those useless Resolutions we made ages ago.

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