Monday, July 5, 2010

Really Now ?????? Are you sure ??????

Really now General Petraeus ?  I am a loyal American, probably like 90 % of the American people that think you are doing a wonderful job. Your efforts in the past have proven to be of the highest degree. ( Of course one never knows what kind of news will come out tomorrow about your past, or way of handling the war...But that is another story).
This is the end of the July 4th weekend holiday or Independence day as some of us call it. Maybe that is why you made that comment?

    We all know and have seen our president talking about the great job you will do in Afghanistan and no doubt that will be the truth. At least we all hope so.  I personally love positive thinking and positive press and basically anything positive.  It's great to be focused and think and act that way.  This blog probably is not the ideal place to read about positive stuff, because that is really no fun to read about..............But General.........I would really like to ask you one little question about a comment you made all over the press, TV, on line news, radio, blogs, and every other means of communication.    You clearly and distinctly said, and I quote your comment about Afghanistan, "We are in this to win".   
     Is it me, or am I the only one I know that resents this remark ?????  What the fuck are you talking about.  No, we are not in this to win, but to come in second place ? Or  No, we are not in this to win, but hopefully we will do pretty good ?  Of course we are in it to win. Every single person in the USA wants us to win.  We are not a country of idiots.  Why can't you just say that we are going to kick ass as soon as possible and suggest our enemy put down their arms and go home to their families before we blow their fucken brains out........They know we are in this to win, BUT......aren't they in it to win as well ?
       You do have something going in your favor however.  The fact that you don't have someone like me (Pictured below) out there fighting for you.  If that was the case, You would be correct in saying We are in this war to come in second best.    lol.