Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Rules Are.............There Are No Rules.......

Rules Suck!!!!!!!!  Why do rules suck ?  Duh......Because no one listens to rules, no one pays attention to rules, no one abides by rules..........But .......Everyone demands on making rules for everyone else. OK, so I really don't mean everyone. Naturally there are some good old, law biding, honest people out there capable of abiding by rules.  They may be few and far between, but they are there.
     I live in a condo with about 105 units.  We have more rules and regulations than the United States Government and all it's branches have together.  There are rules for the pool, for the elevator, for the gym, for the garage, for meetings, for garbage, for what can go on the balcony, for window treatments, for storage, for pool temp., for using the grills, for everything and anything you can think of.  Now, if you happen to live in a place like mine, you are probably subjected to many of the same rules.
    Now here comes the problem. No One wants to follow rules because we all think they are for everyone else, but not for us.  You know that is true, so don't try to hide it.  You make rules for your kids........Right....??????  Do they follow them????? Of course not........You set ground rules down for your marriage or relationship.....Does your partner follow them????????? Of course not............You set rules for your employees if you own or run a business. Do they follow them????? Of course not.......There are rules for the protection of you and me.  Are they being followed ?????? Obviously not by the amount of people in jail......We have speeding rules........Tell me you never got a speeding ticket or got stopped for speeding.....
     So what is the point of rules? Maybe we need rules for when rules are broken ??????? Maybe the Golden Rules is really where it's at. "He who has the Gold, Rules".
     And the rules of a good blog...............Quit while your ahead.

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