Saturday, February 27, 2010

Passing time while driving........or......WTF did they learn to drive ?????

Things to do While Driving.....
Talk on Mobile phone, put on Lipstick,  Drink coffee, Eat lunch or snack, Text a friend, Check your Email, give or receive sexual favors, read a book, gesture offensively to other drivers, change clothing, shave, drink alcohol, sleep, masturbate, floss your teeth, pick your nose, play with your pet, program your GPS, and of course, think of 5 other things that really piss you off about other drivers.  So have a wonderful day and Drive Safe.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true and a source of annoyance for me as well. I've seen everything you listed as well as someone shaving, a guy eating a bowl of cereal precariously balanced on the dashboard, a woman balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder while simultaneously applying makeup in the vanity mirror, driving a giant SUV with kid in tow. Yep, it's balls on a stick!
