Saturday, November 19, 2016

Who is a Bigot ?

Bigot | Bigot Definition by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of bigot. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
I guess by default I fall right into that category.  I imagine every single kid, adult, anyone who was alive in the early 1940's fits that bill.  Who didn't hate the Japs, play with war toys aimed at killing all Japs, or played with their friends games to kill all Japs, or those we pretended were Japs.  Didn't we call the Japanese lots of other words that I am going to omit now ?

And yes ! Didn't the same thing happen with the Germans ?  Oh wait, weren't we calling them all Nazi's , and other slurs that I once again will not mention now.  Didn't we do the same thing and say the same things as we did about the Japs.??
Weren't there American troops everywhere in Europe ?  Wasn't the USA in turmoil then ? Were all Americans call Bigots then.......?????   No Fucken Way.....They were called Americans.  They sent husbands, sons, all loved ones into the military to serve and protect the USA from foreign aggression.
As the years progressed, so did hate groups. Hate groups are probably no different than our enemy was during WW 2.  I only mention this because I just did some research and there are about 800 different hate groups in our country.  That is unbelievable.  I am shocked.
I mention the above for a couple of reasons.  First of all, I am not a bigot.  I said those things and acted that way as a kid who was simply looking out for my country.  I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York and none of us even knew what the word racist or bigot was growing up.  I spent 2 years in between college in the US Army.  I went to college in Alabama and was shocked to learn and see segregation first hand. 
Which brings me to the point of this whole blog.  We have a new President Elect. He deserves the support and respect of every person in this country whether or not you voted for him or like him.  He is our next president.  I am tired of these stupid riots, these stupid fucking college kids who can't cope or go to school because this election has them too upset.  I am tired of people complaining or telling me what and what not Donald Trump plans to do. Why don't these same people look around and realize that we are a different country today.  We are not safe.  We have terrorist killing and doing damage to our country. We do not have the freedom we had years ago. Just travel anywhere and you will see that. We all seem to want a safe , secure place to live. We want our family and friends to be safe. We want to be healthy.  Maybe its about time some of these friends of all of us began to give something back to this country instead of wanted it handed to them.  Why don't they treat everyone the way they want to be treated ?

Or better still, maybe all these haters that think there is so much wrong with our new president  simply chill, and give him a chance. Your other option is leave this country.  Problem solved.