Monday, November 14, 2011


What is wrong with us as a country ? When did we stop saying what we mean ? When did we begin to use words that have nothing to do with the subject ?  I remember growing up saying to the person behind the deli counter to please cut the ham thick, or please cut the cheese thin.  I always thought a thick mattress was better to sleep on than a thin mattress.  Well, it is time to rethink everything I ever learned.
     Now there are skinny girls and Thick girls ??????   Hello......... WTF ever happened to Fat Girls ? Don't they exist anymore ?  How do you define skinny or thin or light or trim or whatever.....Time was there were either girls or fat girls. And maybe some plus size girls. There was no in between.... No beating around the bush.....Just the truth.
I guess we no longer have a choice. We are subjected once again to their rules......The rules of correctness......I say bull shit....I want a choice.  I want to make my own decision on whether or not I want to hang out with a fat girl, or a skinny girl, or a short girl, or a tall girl, or an ugly girl, or a pretty girl, or a Black, Asian, Hispanic, or whatever kind of girl I so choose.  I don't want to be correct........I just want to enjoy myself.

You tell them kid. You grow up and do whatever the fuck you want to do. Go out with whoever the fuck you want to and don't give a shit about being politically correct.

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