Friday, November 11, 2011

A Promise is a Promise

        The promised land......I promise to love you forever.....There is an election promise........A promise to lose weight or stop drinking........A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do something.
And that is where the problem actually begins.
      Why do so many people say and promise so many things ? I really don't know the reason for that but it goes on daily all around us.  People just love to yap and yap away.  They say things that is just bullshit, but never the less, these words come out of their mouth. Surely you have been out to dinner with friends and at some point in the conversation some Bullshit promise will come up.  It can be something simple like " I promise you that so and so team will win tomorrow"..........or your kid's promising you they will go to bed on time, or a promise they will do really well on that test in school tomorrow.  It just goes on and on.  You don't have to be out to dinner either for this to pop up. Just be out with some friends, driving around, at work, at school, and especially at some bar.

     Of course after we break a promise there is always other crap to worry about.  We are sorry, sometimes hurt, wanting to make things right, loss of trust, feel cheated.............Although I really think cheating is one of the biggest promises that are not kept.  It just goes on and on.
      I promise I won't drive so fast anymore.....................I promise we will go out more often.......I promise I will treat your parents much nicer..................I promise I will do more chores around the house..........I promise to keep my room cleaner.......I promise I will be on work on time from now on............I promise not to spend so much money.................Let's face it.......That little word promise really doesn't mean a thing.
      I am not sure, but I do recall that I promised her something.......Oh well....

Bottom line is simple. Don't ever promise anything to anyone.....You know that you are not going to keep that promise, so just avoid the conflict that will come.....Do It.........Don't Promise, and you will always be ahead of the game.....That is one thing I can actually promise you is the truth.

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