Sunday, November 6, 2011

Extreme Dislike

I am afraid to go out lately. Everywhere I go and everything I do seems to make me completely crazy. Sometimes I have to go to extremes to write a blog that is somewhat interesting. However, these past few days has made life very easy to want to kill, hate, scream, but instead I will simply tell you some of the things that I extremely Dislike.
      This morning, I thought I would be a good boy and go to the gym early.  It was wonderful and I really did not have a problem there.  After the gym, I stopped by the local Walmart to pick up some cleaning supplies for my carpet cleaning machine.  Normally I would never go into a Walmart, but this one is right next to the gym and I thought I would be in and out with my few cleaning supplies.
How wrong I was.
     A person somewhat like the lady in the picture above was in front of me, with her mother and a little kid in the cart.  I picked that checkout line, because it was the smallest and I thought it would be only a minute or two.....But NO.......This woman had about half of her stuff checked through the scanner and then she asked the cashier to stop...She proceeded to hand the cashier her food stamp card which is when the fun began.  With every item the cashier scanned, miss fatty said either OK, or no....I don't want that.....The cashier had to credit that item and then put it in another cart besides the register.  Meanwhile this kid in the cart was throwing crap out of the cart and all over the place.  He was probably 5 years old, somewhat cute, but I wanted to kill him.......But not as much as I wanted to kill his Fat mother who was driving this poor cashier and me crazy.  Why the fuck couldn't she figure out what she could pay for before going on line ?   But, why would I ask such a sensible question.....People are just inconsiderate assholes..............Finally......she was finished and I was waiting for her to move her fat ass out of the way.............When...............She asks the cashier for a twenty five dollar Walmart gift certificate..............I just wanted to scream...
             The other night, I happen to be home alone and decided to go to this nice little local deli to get a nice turkey dinner with some healthy vegetables...I was sitting alone and noticed a man similar to the one above with a lady at the next table ....Naturally if they sat next to me they were going to be screamers........Ahhhhhhhh, how right I was.....Well, this guy spoke so loud I wanted to hit him with a hammer....The only good thing was that it was a nice bit of entertainment during my meal...They ordered dinner and asked the waitress to bring a take out box with their dinner......OK, so they discussed everything on the menu first and had an opinion about everything......When their main course came, the woman took half of his food and half of hers and immediately put it into the box...They took all the bread on the table and immediately put that in the box as well, and asked the waitress to please bring more bread.......Well, they finally ate their dinner and proceeded to scrape every last morsel of food into the box.......
     I need to go back and tell you this is not a fancy restaurant, but a very reasonable priced Deli...So with the dinner comes desert....Now this man asks the waitress to please wrap up the cake as they don't want to have it now...The waitress at this point was somewhat disgusted and said that she could not do that.  Of course she brought the cake and they proceeded to have only one bite and then ask for a box as they couldn't finish it..... Well, they took all the sugar, sweeteners, and by then I just wanted to say something to these animals, but chose to keep my mouth closed.
      They finally left, and I then spoke to the owner who shared my sentiments.  He said he sees worse on a daily basis....I really do hate people. Not all mind you, but many......
     I don't know if I can talk about anymore dislike right now as I am getting pissed at just these. But I will keep you up to date on other Dislikes.....That will not take too long.

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