Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dumb Ass Sports Fans

Sometimes its really hard to figure out who the dumbest ass in the crowd really is. In most cases all we have to do is look at them and bingo......we know.  There are however, some pathetically stupid fans, who unfortunately sometimes lose their life by performing one of these stupid fucking acts. Just look at the video above that happened just a few days ago.

Then there are times like this as pictured above when a fan gets lucky by having his friends catch and hold him before he gets hurt.  In any case, it is pure stupidity.  There cannot be a reason in the world to attempt to catch a ball that is basically not catchable, especially when there is no-one in front of you. Think that is called Common Sense.????
Fans can be pretty stupid without getting killed.  I personally would rather see fans dressed appropriately (like pictured above) rather than looking really stupid and lame.

Occasionally there will come along something cute, or something that really stands out, but they are few and far between.

     I am sure that intentions are good, and that 4 seconds of TV fame is something ?  What that something is IDK, but it must be something, as there are many of these idiots dressing like fools at sports events.
     Of course, my personal preference of dress code is simple, straight forward, clean, classic, interesting, pretty, timely, user friendly, etc.......I have included a few pictures of the correct dress code below.  Certainly hope you agree with me.

     Enjoy your next sports event and Please.......Please......Be careful what you wear or you might wind up on CRaPUSA.


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