Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Words..........but are they ??????

What gives with all these updated words that totally mean the same as the words that are replaced?  What is the reason for adding new words that have the same meaning as the old ones ?
I think it is a plot by some foreign groups strictly aiming at driving the American people completely friggen crazy.  When I was a kid , I probably had chicken for my meal at night at least once a week.. Now that I am older, I still might have chicken for my meal at least one  night a week.  OK, so here is my question ?  If I eat the same roast chicken now that I did years ago...................why the fuck was it supper then and it's dinner now ??????????  Who woke up one day and decided they would change the entire English language because they did not like the word supper ?  I think we should go back to the old words.

     This play on words goes on and on. I have been thinking about this for days now and it is really starting to piss me off.  Why can't I go to the ballpark to see a sports event now ???? Why ???? Because I am now forced to go to a stadium instead.

     Time was you were able to buy a used car.  I always thought it was called used because someone else used it before you bought it.  Now, you get to buy a pre-owned car.  I can only imagine that someone owned it first.......Wait a minute.......didn't that person also use it while he owned it ???? This is much to much of a problem for my little gentile brain.
      I think your getting the idea and now thinking of some other dumb ass words that are being changed.  Oh yes.................any of you have a tattoo ??????????????  You might think you do, but you really don't.... You have ink.....But isn't ink something that goes in a pen ????? WTF knows anymore.

          It doesn't stop.  Remember when green was a color and you had a green crayon ???? Not anymore.  Now it means good, as in the environment.............Or what about a cookie ????? Remember when they tasted so good and you loved to eat them.....No more.......Now you clean the cookies from your computer..........Speaking of computers. Remember when you wore boots for the cold, rainy, snowy weather ?  Now you just start your computer instead...... Oh yes.......surfing used to be a nice thing to do in the ocean, but now they messed that up and we surf in our computers.
       There used to be Garbage Men that picked up the trash in the neighborhood. Now there are only sanitation engineers.....Where did all those wonderful garbage men go ?  What about these wonderful things called records? You remember those black vinyl records  ? Guess they have been replaced by an i pod.
      We have all flown.  We have all been treated nice by those wonderful ladies called a Stewardess. Not anymore.  There are these monster flight attendants now and they know nothing about being a wonderful Stew.......Coffee, Tea, or Me ?????

     What is going on????  Will it ever stop ????? Will it become obsolete ????  There are no more pocket books, but instead the same thing exists called a purse. I can go on and on, but I will let you use your imagination to come up with 3 new ones yourself.  I will say this, however, think of the words Phone Booth and see if any young kid has an idea what one is..............Shit, where is superman going to change ???

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