Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Premier Customer Specialists" aka Telephone Idiots

      I had a wonderful experience this afternoon talking and answering questions from some complete puppet idiot from Bank of America.  After finally passing the long security questions and YES......by pressing 1 first to speak in English....( Read yesterdays quick blog on that )......and then a few other dumb ass questions... I was then transferred to another puppet who was not a sales person, not a facilitator ,  not a nosy body, but as she put it when she got on the phone, " Hello,  I am Wendy, your Premier Customer Specialist "..........followed by......"How May I be of Service to you Today ????"    WTF lady. I just spent 15 minutes on the phone with your younger sister idiot who CALLED ME.......I guess the called me is the key words there.  OK......so I was not too pissed off yet and figured I would give her somewhat of a chance and told her exactly what I just wrote.  You called  me.........Then it began.... Will you please give me the last 4 of your social security number, your exact name, your current address, and the exact size of your underwear ??????  I gave her this information and took a deep breath because I was still in Nice Mode.   (not for long) . She then told me that she found my record and needed to confirm a few things, but did mention that some of these might have been gone over prior to her checking this.
     I really need to go into a little background.  Several years ago the clerk at the bank I very rarely go in, asked me to  take out a Home Equity Line of Credit.  She was cute and I had been hitting on her for a while, so I said sure. Some guys with resort to anything to get laid. A few days later I got a call from her stating that I was approved for 500 K and to come in and sign the documents and there was no cost involved. I said to myself, great.....money and a girl.....sweet....So I went to the bank and there must have been a 50 page summary of everything that needed several signatures by me.  I brought it home to look at, that cute girl at the bank got transferred the following week, and the outdated papers are still in a closet somewhere, unsigned and without sex.  Now......Thanks to our wonderful government and it's great bailout crap, it is not so easy.......So we are now back to real time with Ms. Idiot on the phone.  She......is this your current address ?    Me......yes ...........She.......thank you very much for giving me that information................She.......Is this your telephone number?.............Me......yes........She......Thank you for giving me that information, I appreciate it............ I am not going to bore you with the next several questions with the same response by her............................................BUT...................I finally flipped....I starting to talk really loud (think they refer to that as yelling) and told her to stop reading from her fucking script and just ask the questions..... It is amazing how that worked and how nice she was after our little getting to know each other exchange.... Am I in trouble because at the start they did say that our conversation was being recorded for quality and training purposes....Maybe they need to train these puppets a little better.......Finally after being told that everything is free and I will pay no charges other than the interest of what I use I get the Big Surprise..... She.......you know there is a #2,500 charge should you sell your home at anytime................Don't you want to just kill these idiots for not letting you know this up front ?
These conversations are the same with banks, car dealerships, credit card companies etc.  I would tell you all the other information I need to fax them for this line of credit, but there is not enough time.  It was such a pleasure only a few short years ago.  Thanks government for bailing out the banks and making them become so creative in screwing all of us whenever they can.  You did a wonderful job of teaching them the meaning of the words Screwing your customers. I understand that getting a mortgage today is just as bad.....

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