Saturday, July 31, 2010

"To Advise or not to Advise" , That is the Question

I really hope this does not offend a friend of mine, but I am positive we have all been in this position with someone we know, or are really close to.  Someone who always depends on you for the correct information on something.  Someone who always trusts your opinion on love matters, sex matters, restaurant advice, what movie to see, what place to go to, what broker to use, What anything ????? You know you have been there and are still there with someone you know like I am with this friend.
      Most of the time you will feel really good about helping, about giving the right advice, about being turned to for this advice you are giving.  It's a sense of accomplishment, a sense of pride, a sense of knowing that you are the Man.  (or Woman).  It's a wonderful thing to be in that position to be turned to for help, it is really heart warming........................No, No, No, No, No, No, No,......a million times.  That is not the case in this story.  In fact, I want to scream right now..............Here come the facts, and it is like a little fairy tale in a real life setting.
       This friend has asked me for help whenever she had or has a problem with her computer.  I am fairly good with them, and can usually just walk her through the problem.  There have been times that I had to do it in person at her house.  Needless to say, she is one of those people that is always having problems with the computer, and of course it is never her fault.  Her computer usually just malfunctions, breaks, stop working, or whatever, all by itself.  Pity the poor little computer having to live like that.  Oh, did I mention that once it was dropped on a tile floor . ( I really mean it was thrown to that tile floor ). Yup........that was one of those times it stopped working by itself.  Another time she hit a million keys, a million times and sort of changed the configuration so it wouldn't work. ( Again that happened by itself ).  Your getting the picture now and are probably feeling sorry for this poor laptop.  Well, the latest problem was with the screen being blank, but somehow I think it might have had something to do with being in the oven @350 degrees for 30 minutes, or a sledge hammer accidentally falling on top of it.... I really don't know about this.......Moving right along.....She asked for my advice for a new computer, as the paramedics could not revive her old one, along with the fact  she did not want to spend much money......I told her to get a MAC laptop and she would never have a problem, but she did not want to spend that kind of money ???? OK, gotta respect that.
She really only wanted to spend $500 and some odd bucks.......Naturally, I told her to get a nice desktop so she couldn't move it or drop it, and it would be pretty easy.. Plus, what else can you get for that price ?.Like most non computerized people she only uses it for e mail, some pictures, and maybe facebook.....I found a machine for that price the other day, sent her pictures thru my BB, and told her where too go to buy this...... I felt really good like I spoke about before.....That same night I got a phone call telling me that she bought a new computer and I was really happy for her.  She bought an Acer lap top as she decided against a desk top, because this was only 600 dollars. Once again, I said great and was happy for her................UNTIL................the next morning I got a call that it was not working and she was bringing it back to Best Buy to do whatever ??????? In the interim, I checked out this brand and decided that I would never buy one, but that is only me....She said they fixed it and got the wireless to work.........Just for the hell of it, I asked her what the cost was ?????????  Turns out with a warranty, and I have no idea what extras, it was about $1,599.00.    So what that means is no built in i chat, and everything that comes standard in a Mac notebook , and I think cost less than the $1,599. So what that she is now going out to buy???????? a wireless mouse..  The point of this whole thing is....."Why ask someone what they would do and why ?????   and then Do something completely different. ?????   I really don't have the answer to that.......I do know.......The next time this person calls me and tells me her e mail is not working and she did absolutely nothing and asks me what to do...., my stock answer will be.........................I Don't Know, but I would suggest you call Larry, Moe, and Curly at Best Buy.  or (see below)