Sunday, May 9, 2010

Don't Count Me ????????? Part III Yeah.....Really.....Pathetic

Betty White on SNL

(click on the above link to LYFAO at Betty White on SNL doing a bit about the Census 2010.  After writing several times about the ridiculous, wasteful, redundant, unnecessary, inefficient ways this census is being conducted, I knew after seeing the video that it needed another shot.
      Of course , after I saw that , I knew I was in for another treat.  Well, lo and behold, my supervisor called me this morning (mother's day) and asked me to please meet him at 3 pm so that I can give him my pay voucher, D308, for yesterday, so that he can turn it in.  Naturally he was at a meeting this morning where he was told to have this done.  This is crazy.............or is it..........?????  I was not busy at that time so it was no problem for me.  I left my house, drove the 3/4 miles to meet him and knew that tomorrow I had to put in for the almost hour of time wasted to get him this stupid sheet along with 8 miles @ $.50 per mile to get there and back.  So there went about $20.00 of my taxes hard at work going to the government, who in turn will pay me that $20.00 for delivering this stupid D308 form that in any other world could have been turned in tomorrow during a regular morning meeting. Especially true was the fact that none of us were due to work today (Sunday).  I wonder how many other of the 400,.000 to 600.000 enumerators like myself around the US had to do the same thing today??????  I knew that doing this part time would be more fun than I would normally have during the day...... So far I have been correct.
     This is a quickie today, so to all the Mother's out there........Happy Mother's Day.

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