Saturday, October 15, 2016

( I Don't ) Care Labels

What is fucking worse than bringing home that new, wonderful shirt you just bought and unpacking it and putting it away ?  Oh wait !!!! You finally decided to check out the label so you know how to wash it.  Right.  A simple task that should only take a couple of seconds ??????    Ha Ha Ha.
These fucking idiots working in the designing department have finally figured out a way to drive each and every consumer crazy.  I am positive there is a conspiracy brewing to finally demoralize every single consumer.  They must be trying to develop a country of their own with people that walk around saying "what", "huh, "how", and "why".

I am convinced those individuals preparing these care labels have suffered unhappy childhoods, along with severe beatings, and severe mean, nasty tricks played on them on a constant basis.
It used to be a very simple procedure.  There was one simple care label that stated in English only those simple instructions.  "Wash in warm water and tumble dry low"  It was very simple and effective...........BUT......not anymore.
Today, anything we buy is made in countries we can no longer pronounce, much less recognize.  What we buy is no longer made of natural fibers, but with combinations of fibers we not only never heard of, but also cannot pronounce.

Bottom line .......Hopefully you have someone you know who is a size or two smaller than you who really loves and admires everything you wear.  Now that is the real definition of getting fucked while shopping.


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