Sunday, October 7, 2012

Gone.....for Good

"Wedding Night Virgins".    Yup, it is hard to believe that circa 1950's it was actually the thing to do. That's right....Marry a virgin...It was a whole big deal back then.  The wedding night was so important. How I wish I had known that now, but 3 wives later I guess it is too late.  My first wife spent so much time in the bathroom getting ready that by the time she got out,,,,,,,,,,, I was sound asleep...That is completely true and I should have realized then it was doomed.
I am so happy things are different today....How archaic things used to be.

       "Vinyl Records"...   sure they are still in use somewhat today, but the reality is they are gone..Oh how I miss the skipping of the needle, the warping of the record, the constant changing of the needle, etc.    Hard to imagine that today we have everything right on our smart phones, computers, Pandora, I pods and whatever.... Another thing that has been replaced by newer technology.
Sometimes I wonder if we are going forward or backwards ?
      "The unanswered Phone"     Just think back to rotary phones.  I remember as a kid having one and they were all one color....Black.....  Talk about rotary phones and then lets talk about the first answering machines.  Do you remember the little tapes that were in them ? Having to rewind it every time you received a call ?
It's almost amusing to think about stuff like this today...Part of not being able to reach someone years ago was pretty good, especially if you were cheating on your spouse or girl friend..(or boy friend).  Forget about it today...We are prisoners of our smart phones and surely would never leave home without it. Who is not reachable today in seconds?
"Typewriters"     How I love this one.  Just think about the typewriter when you were a kid. How they had progressed and finally became somewhat portable, until of course the electric typewriter came into being.
I don't know about you, but I love looking at pictures of old typewriters and seeing what we use now.  Actually, who in fact does type today ?  I am typing this now on my computer, but most of the time I use my speech to text app on my smart phone... I am just waiting for the next step which will make everything look ancient.
      I would really like to thank the folks who wrote Going, Going, Gone....Vanishing Americana by Susan Jonas and Marilyn Nissenson.  It is such a fun book that I really look at quite often.  The book is pretty old by now, and I would love to see an updated version of it....I have made comments about several of the subjects in the book, and it might be one of the few things that I really can't make fun of.
This is a first for me. In fact here is a picture of the cover.....Just fun...In fact it is sort of the type of fun that I hope you find in reading CRaPUSA....
      But I certainly do hope that we can preserve some things ?????  I am not sure what, but I am sure there are some. Maybe like edible panties ????   Or real live juices that are not made from concentrate.   There must be plenty. Just saying.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

More "Going Going Gone"

Things gone and things that will be gone.................but not today........................tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cracked ?

75 Billion, yes billion eggs are consumed in the United States on a yearly basis. That certainly is plenty of eggs. Now my question is simply why do I always seem to get a broken or cracked egg every single fucking time I buy eggs ?  I open the carton before I buy them and glance at the eggs. They usually seem to be OK......But, when I get home and go to put them in the fridge.......wadda bang....There is always one cracked egg.

And it's not some of the time, but all of the time. Maybe it's just me, but I have a feeling this happens to lots of us. Maybe its even a conspiracy by the big egg companies to sell more eggs. Maybe they just don't dispose of cracked eggs but have a special team of experts that strategically place these cracked eggs in the cartons so that we cannot find the crack until we get home ? How much more money is that for the 75 billion egg industry ?
Maybe it is time I become like some of the ugly people I see in the dairy department buying eggs. They seem to open the carton and examine each and every egg as though they were top rated surgeons examining a patient ?  They look at the top, bottom, and take out each and every egg and most of the time wind up putting one or two cartons back where they came from...Great...These dirty, disgusting people have now put their dirty , sweaty, disgusting hands on the eggs that you or I will probably wind up buying at a later time....Nice....Right ?????
         Maybe in the scheme of things this is no big deal. But if and when I am lucky enough to have someone like her (pictured above) making me breakfast...........I really don't want to worry about cracked eggs. After all, how many cracked things can a person concentrate on at one time ?
        Just a WARNING......Be extra careful when buying eggs.