Sunday, June 6, 2010


I don't know about you, but I am so tired of Bullshit that I am ready to scream.  Think I am going to sound like Andy Rooney now, but I can't stand it anymore. There is so much bullshit around us, it is almost funny.
    Driving back from the gym before I noticed the cranes and construction equipment on the bridge coming into the island where I live.  They have been doing some work on it for months now, although it was promised to be complete a while ago.  When I pass daily, I never see more than 4/5 people working and 3 of them are giving orders to the other one or two.  Bullshit............. Then I drive to my condo and pass the ugly lights and landscaping that was going to be completely redone with antique lighting etc. almost one year ago... Of course that has not even been started.. More bullshit.
     Just glancing at today's NY Post and see that NYC passes students even if the test scores are wrong. That does not surprise me, but again, more bullshit.......Bernie Madoff has told some people in jail to F*** his victims.  Said he carried them for 20 years and now he is doing 150. That does not sound like bullshit.  Good for you Bernie.. It's true....Those poor victims did not say a word for 20 years when they were making money every year.  That is bullshit as well.......The US will not openly support Israel on this embargo thing....That too is bullshit........LeBron's not going or going to NY or somewhere else.....That is bullshit and who cares.???? All of us care only about the sports team that we love and follow....I don't think that is Bullshit............And people with 11,293 friends on facebook???????????  Are they really your friends ?   Bullshit...........And some of those friends who pimp a club or restaurant they are obviously associated with........That's bullshit...........What about that person who tells you they will call you back in a few minutes and then it is a few days instead???? Is that bullshit or them just telling you something????  I bet there is not a person reading this not laughing right now and thinking of at least five things they think are bullshit and that have bothered them today.
       Last night while with some people at a bar having a quick drink, I ran into a similar bullshit situation.  There was an ugly, thick couple sitting next to us with a seat open right next to them.  I asked them to please move over one, so we would be able to have all of us sit together.   They did not want to at all.. I just stood there next to the disgusting woman and tried in the worse way to fart. Needless to say that when you don't want to you do, and when you want to you don't.....That is my bullshit for the day.