Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It is now Officially Official

It is officially official.  Machines have beat the shit out of humans. Technology has finally won the war and has badly destroyed what little effect humans once had. The power of speech, touch, sound and togetherness is now gone.  In it's place is that little thing we carry around with us wherever we are, wherever we go and whatever we may be doing. I am referring to our mobile device's that may include but not be limited to Cell Phones, Tablets, IPads, Smart phones, laptops, and any other name you might so call them.

         It was not so long ago when only a small percentage of the population was really involved with cell phones or owned one.  Older folks had no idea what they were, nor cared. Kids didn't have one because most of their parents didn't have one themselves.  Working business people were the ones with these devices and controlled most of that business.
        We all know what this little company with a bitten Apple has done to the business.  We also know how this industry has changed our lives.

       But how has it changed our lives ? How are things different today as opposed to the 1990's ????????????????????
      Holy Shit ?  What a dumb question.  It is both wonderful and terrible at the same time.
      It is wonderful because of so many great and terrific ideas that are out there. We are an instant world. Nothing goes unnoticed and everything is fair game.  News is spread around in a matter of seconds.  We have access to learning tools that are beyond belief.  We are able to contact and send business information , health info, and anything instantly. We have a safety net of instant connection anywhere and anytime. We also have music and the best games at hand.
But what I think is completely important are things that somehow might be overlooked by others.  Lets talk about Sexting. What a wonderful thing .(Just so long as our daughters or granddaughters don't use it).  How much better would my younger days have been if this was available then ?    How wonderful are these devices for storing information in a locked file that your spouse can not find.  This could have saved and prevented so many problems as opposed to hiding pieces of paper with other females telephone numbers on there during some of my marriages.... And let us not forget going to see a hooker with the two call system. This is a breeze today as oppressed to the early days when we had to find a telephone booth and stop off and make that call.......A Telephone Booth ?????   What the Fuck is That ?   Also for all those cheating married people who can easily speak on their throw away cell phones to their cheating boy or girl friends, as opposed to taking the chance and calling from your home phone years ago.......Busted ??????   Ahhhhhhhh....the good of the modern day mobile device.

       But for every little bit of good, a little bit of shit must come as well......Now we have those stupid fucks yakking away on their phone in their cars and not paying attention to the road....I hate these bastards more than anything.  Of course we all have our list of misuse of phone users.. Here are some of my biggest pet peeves..........Loud talking on the phone in the gym, restaurants, or other places of business. Probably the worst offenders are the texting assholes at the movies. Somehow I just want to take that smartphone and stick it right up their ass.... What is your biggest peeve ? I know you have one.
     Naturally I have only covered a few of the many pros and cons of these wonderful devices we do not leave home without....
      Only in America kids.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mobile Phones 12.......People 3

Guess What Everyone ?   The Mobile phones are winning the war and kicking our asses.   Mark my words on that, but not til later.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Correcting the Housing Crunch

I can really do this.  Really, I promise.. I alone can and will resolve this housing crunch, but only if every person will listen to me and do exactly what I say.  It's relatively easy and I really don't give a shit what all the economists or government people or agencies have to say. My concept will work.

      The first phase of this wonderful idea is to watch the video below about hiring a real estate person to sell your house. Although this is several years old, all the facts and information are probably true today as I am sure you will agree after viewing it.

       Hiring a Real Estate Person    (click on link)
OK. Now you are on your way. I assume you have seen the video and know what you really want to sell your home for.  You have now spoken to tops 2 different real estate people and if your a guy, have probably decided on the one with the great personality and looks.  After all, your not stupid and you certainly know what you are doing. (at least think so).
       So you are either in their office, or in the comfort of your home and you have been handed such a load of shit about how your home will be sold fast. Why ?  Because whatever company they are connected with has the most exposure on line and whenever anyone searches for a property yours will be the first one that appears.  You will hear so much shit that you really want to buy your own house that you are trying to sell right on the spot....You will look at charts and you will feel so good that you can't wait to sign the fucking one year contract with a 6% commission to them right away.....Now your hooked.....Or should I say Fucked.  You have just signed a one year agreement with the devil.
         The first week or so you will have a few people looking at your home or condominium if you are lucky and will get that wonderful feeling that a sale will be happening soon. I am now convinced this real estate person has an aunt or some close relatives that are used exclusively for this type of situation.  This is a scam and needs to be watched. (possibly).
   So here, finally, is my brilliant conclusion on fixing the housing market.  Lets face it. When things were really good, these agents were trying to lower your asking price so that it would sell one, two , three.  During good times a trained monkey can sell a home.
   We know that things are a little tough right now, but that is only because of those greedy fuckers who bought homes they couldn't afford several years ago, and the greedy real estate agents and banks pushed these sales.  Actually, the greedy real estate people were just as much to blame as the banks...People are by nature stupid, so we can't put any of the blame on them...Well, that was then and we all know about the collapse of the market as a result.
     Now here comes the solution....Almost......Now, these same money hungry greedy fucking real estate people have banded together (in a private meeting they all had somewhere) and have decided to force each and every seller to lower their price.  They will hound you day and night telling you that it will not be sold at the price you have it listed for.  They are a relentless band of brothers that will stick together and see that each and every (almost) person in the USA drops their price on a daily basis.  Naturally this becomes a domino effect and before long everyone is doing it. You know, monkey see, monkey do...........Here is my solution......If someone want to buy and nobody reduced their price.......they would buy.......It is that simple....There will always be supply and there will always be demand.......Each and Every Home Seller can end this crisis by telling their Real Estate Agent the following........"Go Fuck Yourself".......The price is what it is and not a penny more.....You want to sell it for less simply deduct the fucking outrageous 6% commission you are getting.
       I feel so much better now that I have solved the worlds Housing Crisis.

        Only in America kids......only in America