Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good Day for Good News

The DOW was down nearly 350 Points at closing, maybe due to a glitch.........The Pakistani Taliban denied any role in the botched car bombing in Times Square, but praised the suspect......Lawrence Taylor has been arrested for allegedly raping a minor........Greece is falling apart and without John Travolta.......the SEC is investigating other large companies.........and that is only the first few headlines.
     WTF is happening to this country ?  My blog is no longer Cynical, Ridiculous and Pathetic anymore.   It has become reality.  I no longer have to write about the Crap I pick on daily as the newspapers and news agencies seem to be doing it for me.  We can no longer do anything.  For example DJ's can no longer call anyone crazy, or retarded or who knows what else.  Everything seems to be Politically incorrect.  Soon you guys won't be able to walk the streets and take a second look at that stunning girl with big boobs and long legs.....What is Next ?????
      Where is sanity and what really is sanity ?  What is correct and what is not ?  What can we do and what are we supposed to do ? 
      I just want to be a kid again. I want to play with my marbles (instead of losing them), trade my baseball cards, play with my friends , and have my mother tuck me into bed at night. It just seemed like there was always good news then.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't Count Me.......Part 2.......Why??????????

Just when I thought being census worker for a while could not get any worse, it got worse.  Now that is not worse for the work portion.  That is so simple and so ridiculous that a trained monkey could do the work.  The pictures above probably describe the way our government is handling this census.  The only positive note is that it only happens once every 10 years.  I think the reason for that is it must take 9 years to complete the one that was started on April 1st.   By the way, April first is the cut off, or main date for the 2010 Census.  Is that a coincidence that this date falls on April Fools Day ??????? I don't think so.
      So after my little rant the other day, some new events have taken place.  Every morning I have to meet my Crew Leader at a top secret place to turn in my D 108 form. For those of you that do not know that our government love to give every piece of paper or form a special number.  This is our pay voucher made in duplicate.  Why would this not be completely computerized ????? Oh, Oh, I did it.  I started a sentence with the word Why?????  Why did I do that???  My good friend H, who also works for the census tells me that everyday.  Don't ever begin a sentence with Why.....   Why is that??????   Because you will never get a real answer or never really know the reason for it other than "That is how the government wants it" .  OK,  I can accept this.   I don't know why, but I can. So I get paid from the time I leave my house, plus gas mileage to this top level meeting each and every day.  Now I turn this in to the group leader.......he turns it in to someone above him after carefully checking its content.  I am sure the last person mails or takes it to another secret location where some other government person puts it in order or checks it again to see if the person mentioned is really working for the government.  Finally at some point he will approve it and somehow get it to my bank for direct deposit.  I am sure this above mentioned system is so much better than one leader directly entering into a computer and that's that....Finished....Complete.....Done......... Why isn't that done.....Aaahhhhhhh I did it again.
     Now lets go to point 2.  This morning I had one of my completed census forms returned to me because I marked an X somewhat outside the box.  I showed this to 3 other people and they said it looked fine.  I felt like I got a red mark in the 3rd. grade because I did something wrong.  I did however manage to complete twice as many completed surveys yesterday than anyone in my group, but the only important factor is making sure the X mark does not go outside the box.
      It's sort of like our government not thinking outside the box to make the Census process easier for all concerned citizens. Surely when you are looking at someone during an interview you should not have to waste time to ask if they are Male or Female ??????  That is just one of many parts of this making no sense at all.
       Why should I make myself crazy about this??? Aaahhhhhhh, I did it again.   I am also amazed at how many people are hesitant to give any information because of them not wanting the government to know anything about them.   So silly.......Big Brother is watching all of us.  Hope big brother does not report me to the census police for giving my honest thoughts and looking for ways to save our government some money............Don't count of that...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Aaaaahhhhhhh Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid

Can't think anymore.  Don't know what is right. Don't know who is real. Can't believe the stupidity of parts of the US Government.  Can't believe anything that is going on lately.  Why are they planting car bombs in my hometown ? Why is oil leaking from the bottom of the ocean ? Why are they boycotting Arizona Ice tea that is not made in Arizona ? Why can't I think of anything to bitch about?
      Why I am still doing this stupid work for the Census Department when they have procedures that were outdated when FDR was president.  I just got a call that I have to meet my group leader each morning at 9.45 for very important business.  Can you guess what this important business is?'s handing in the form D 308. (everything has a number).  A simple pay voucher.  The fact that nothing is done by computer or electronically means these stupid 2 part forms have to be given in on a daily basis because some other jerk from the government is overloaded with work and can't figure out how to process these if there is a few from the past few days.  So what does this mean? Now there is some team leader, or supervisor that will sit around and waste and hour or two daily to receive these pay vouchers from everyone on his or her team.  This means that if I am out doing something, somewhere else, I have to stop what I am doing and drive to this location just to drop off my pay voucher for the day prior.  Of course I get paid for this time and also get mileage allowance as well. I am doing this census thing to be a good citizen and keep myself a little busier and have a few extra dollars. ( few being the key word ) These are your dollars hard at work..  I didn't think it could get more ridiculous since I wrote my blog on this recently, but it has.  God Bless America...............Where are the environmentalists  while the governments is wasting these tens of millions of pounds of paper on nonsense ? All one needs to do is look in the truck of my car to see forms 108 ,  bla bla bla........
      Now, getting back to my writers block.................